
One Bedroom

  • Carport or garage
  • 900 to 1325 sq. ft. living space

Adams, Amherst, Franklin, Guilford, Radcliffe, Suffolk, Wharton

Two Bedroom

  • Carport or garage
  • 1134 to 1860 sq. ft. living space

Armonk, Bedford, Berkshire, Cambridge, Canaan, Colgate, Concord, Cortland, Cornell, Dartmouth, Ethan Allen, Fairfield, Fairview, Hamilton, Hampton, Hancock, Hanover, Harvard, Jackson, Kent, Katonah, Lexington, Lincoln, Litchfield, Madison, Monroe, Princeton, Putnam, Ridgefield, Rockland, Salem, Somers, Stanford, Stratford, Syracuse, Wellesley, Yale

Three Bedroom

  • Carport or garage
  • 1404 to 2289 sq. ft. living space

Columbia, Croton, Garrison, Harrison, Jefferson, Sherman, Sherman II , Washington, Westchester, Windsor, York